How To Get More Energy In The Morning - NutriGardens

How To Get More Energy In The Morning

When it’s time to figure out how to get more energy in the morning, it is also time to examine our diet and daily routines. Both our diet and our nervous system may influence how well our body falls asleep, stays asleep, and wakes up. A 2013 study suggests that nitric oxide could play an important role in regulating circadian rhythms or sleep-wake cycles. Nitric oxide is a natural substance that occurs in our body through various mechanisms, one way is when we ingest nitrate, either from nitrate-rich foods or supplementation. Here are some ideas about how to leverage nitric oxide to have more energy in the morning.


How To Get More Energy in the Morning with Beetroot Supplement

Increasingly, research continues to demonstrate the link between the parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for rest and digestion), sleep cycles, brain clarity, and energy levels. Animals adapt to environmental changes through nervous system signals called neuromodulators (a type of chemical messenger produced by neurons in the nervous system). Nitric oxide may have a similar effect in the body as a neurotransmitter that supports regulated circadian cycles and energy metabolism. The question of how to get more energy in the morning is closely linked to the circadian clock and balancing the body’s sleep cycles. Nitric oxide levels are linked to natural light (the sun is a natural nitric oxide booster), and the body's nitric oxide levels tend to be lower upon waking and are ready to be boosted with food and exercise.

Studies show the relationship between the day-night variation of nitric oxide may have an effect on healthy vascular performance in the morning hours. There are many factors that influence nitric oxide levels, including a significant decline in its production with age. Beetroot is naturally rich in nitrate which boosts nitric oxide levels. Many athletes use beetroot and red spinach supplements right before an activity to support better performance, whereby nitric oxide levels peak around 2-3 hours after consumption.

A beetroot supplement is a convenient way to increase morning nitric oxide levels for multiple hours which will increase energy and endurance. Pure food-based powder extracts can deliver healthy levels of natural nitrate that would be substantially harder to ingest from whole foods alone. A beetroot supplement can help on the quest to discover how to get more energy in the morning.


How to Have More Energy in The Morning with Red Spinach Supplement

Similar to beetroot, red spinach boasts an even higher level of natural nitrate that can boost nitric oxide levels. Red spinach is commonly used to increase performance levels in athletes and active adults.

A study from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning revealed that the cycling group taking a red spinach supplement had better energy, speed, and used less oxygen than the placebo group. Red spinach can support energy levels and performance due to its nutrient and nitrate-rich content.

A red spinach supplement, when sourced from clean ingredients, can offer additional benefits depending on its formulation. Red spinach supplements have shown a plethora of positive benefits to the body. It delivers a potent morning boost of energy, and better endurance throughout the day. Focusing on a nitrate-rich morning can help restore nitric oxide levels that decreased during the night. It is a way to jump start the day and support the body with sustainable plant-based energy.


How to Increase Energy Levels with Breathing and Movement

How to Increase Energy Levels with Breathing and Movement

When determining how to get more energy in the morning, it is important to have a healthy morning routine. While nitric oxide can be boosted through supplementation, it is also associated with specific breathing patterns and exercise. These rituals are also a beneficial way to soothe the nervous system and enter the day with a balanced mindset. Nose breathing helps produce nitric oxide in the paranasal sinuses which travel to our lungs. It also can activate the parasympathetic nervous system assisting in a greater sense of calm and stress relief.

Breath work is a popular, natural method to support tranquility, calm the nervous system, and to stabilize energy levels. SKY meditation can help increase inhaled levels of nitric oxide that can support morning energy levels. Getting more energy in the morning can be as simple as adding nose breathing to the routine for 5-15 minutes. It is also a useful tool to implement throughout the day for managing stress.

Alongside breath work, exercise and body movement can increase nitric oxide levels for improved morning energy. A study from the University of Tsukuba, Japan showed that mild aerobic exercise can boost nitric oxide levels in sedentary individuals as well as high-performance athletes. There are many benefits of daily exercise including increased endorphin levels, improved sleep, and better heart health. These benefits are seen across various lifestyles and health levels. As little as 20-30 minutes of movement in the morning can increase nitric oxide.


How Lifestyle Choices Impact Energy in the Morning

How to Increase Energy Levels with Breathing and Movement


Alongside nitric oxide, there are various lifestyle habits that can influence morning energy levels. Finding the perfect routine for getting more energy in the morning involves a look at diet, sleep cycles, and hydration levels. It is essential to prioritize a plant-based diet made up of a variety of fruits and vegetables to supply important vitamins and nutrients. Nitrate-rich fruits and vegetables are especially helpful for boosting energy in the morning, such as beets, arugula, red spinach, and broccoli.

Another lifestyle choice that impacts energy levels is maintaining a healthy sleep cycle. Sleep supports increased energy in the morning and reduces brain fog that comes as a result of lack of, or disrupted sleep. A study from The Neurosciences Research Center of Lyon found that nitric oxide may help regulate the sleep-wake cycle which can encourage better sleep patterns overall. Hydration also plays a key role in energy levels, and research shows that dehydration is a common symptom of fatigue; cells need hydration. Drinking water in the morning prior to caffeine can help encourage a more wakeful state.


Morning Habits to Support Higher Energy Levels

How to get more energy in the morning may relate to personal lifestyle choices and routines. In order to see improvement in sustained morning energy levels, nitrate-rich foods, schedule, and daily habits like working out, breathing exercises, and sun exposure should ideally all be leveraged together when possible. These healthy habits can increase nitric oxide levels and energy offering a multi-beneficial approach to overall health. 



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